Guitar chords for wonderful tonight
Guitar chords for wonderful tonight

guitar chords for wonderful tonight

play this song with the track for a couple of times, and u will get that feel on your guitar. 3. So if you wanted to strum the piece it really wouldnt be all that. The guitar chords for wonderful tonight are pretty easy, U need to play this song relly slow, mainly with the arpegios. The song uses very straightforward chords and the entire piece contains only G, D, C and Em. The song explains in the most basic of terms how one can find themselves completely and utterly in love and how important it is to share how we feel with that special someone. 4 contributors total, last edit on View official tab We have an official Wonderful Tonight. All of Eric Clapton Wonderful Tonight guitar chords, and lots more. This was among my first songs that I learnt to play on my guitar, and I still love it everytime i play. Wonderful Tonight Chords Save this song to one of your setlists by:Eric Clapton by:Eric Clapton View Instrument Discover Premium DiagramsOverviewEditProblem with the chords Tap the video and start jamming Rewind to play the song again. by Eric Clapton 906,171 views, added to favorites 8,204 times Author dRockstar24 a 133.

guitar chords for wonderful tonight

I think great things dont need any words to explain this song speaks and tells what no words can say simply and directly. One of the bestest romantic songs ever written, and that 's just phenomenal.

Guitar chords for wonderful tonight