Hedonic motivation
Hedonic motivation

hedonic motivation

The results showed that hedonic motivation, online price, and online trust affect the intention to purchase online, then online price affects hedon-ic motivation, and access to online information affects online trust.

hedonic motivation

This research was analyzed using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with SPSS 25 software and AMOS 22 soft-ware. The causal research-based research was tested empirically using question-naire data totaling 150 respondents. This study aims to determine the effect of hedonic motivation, price, information and trust on online purchase intention on Tokopedia consumers in Surabaya. Tokopedia is one of the trending online shopping platforms and is most in demand by the people of Surabaya during the Covid-19 pandemic where the highest number of engagements on Facebook and Twitter social media is 146,427. The devel-opment of technology has had a lot of positive impacts that make it easier for people’s lives to shop online to meet the needs of life. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed human behavior and habits. The two main types of consumer needs are commonly identified as either being utilitarian or hedonic. Motivational factors are often used to help define consumer-types and identify reasons why one might shop online while another shops in physical stores. In: 20th INSYMA (International Symposium on Management), 15-16 Maret 2023, Bangkok Thailand. Online Apparel Consumer Behavior: Hedonic Motivation & Post-Purchase Communication. The Impact of Hedonic Motivation, Price, Information and Trust on Tokopedia Purchase Intention. Sutandyo, Elyza Novelia and Ardiansyahmiraja, Bobby and Marciano, Deddy and Indarini, Indarini

Hedonic motivation